Wednesday, 19 September 2007

Mencoder with wrong parameter of aac

Recently, I collected and converted some films for mid-autumn festival, that should not be hard for me but I got a bother and wasted time to solve this problem. Thus I feel like recording it to prevent second mistakes.

Initially, tracing and analysing video within 2 pass could convert precisely for preventing miss out and miscarriage. Moreover, it's the way to embed subtitles and add other functions while second converting.

     mencoder input_file -oac copy -ovc xvid -xvidencopts pass=1:\

frame_drop_ratio=0 -o /dev/null

mencoder -sub -font ~/.mplayer/subfont.ttf -subcp big5 \
-subfont-text-scale 4
input_file -oac copy -ovc xvid -xvidencopts \
frame_drop_ratio=0 -o outputfile

Secondly, some of films are usually divided into two parts, however, I don't like the break while watching. So I combine them together.

avi: avimerge -i file1 file2 -o final.avi
other on X: Avidemux

Finally, it's not usual in this step for me because "avidemux" is very powerful tool to complete almost format. In the result, this step is not for DVD、VCD and it's just only for ipod video. The following script is fine before but ,today , it shows me up the error "it can't find audio code for supporting aac.". The straight way is re-check the ./configure --parameter and recompile it, and after that it still fails again. Eventually, I google and find an article which mentions the parameter "aac" has changed to "libfaac", so just replace it and then everything is as usual.

mencoder input.avi -oac lavc -ovc lavc -of lavf -lavcopts aglobal=1:\
vglobal=1:vcodec=mpeg4:vbitrate=800:autoaspect:acodec=aac \

-lavfopts format=mp4:i_certify_that_my_video_stream_does_not_use_b_frames\
-ofps 24.0 -af lavcresample=24000
-vf scale=640:362,harddup -o ipod.mp4

parameter: -acodec aac ----> -acodec libfaac


[轉檔] Using ffmpeg to convert wmv to 3gp


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